Two Years A Blogger – Tips for Starting a Creative Endeavor Pt 1

There’s something fulfilling about having an idea, getting it off of the ground, and executing it- no matter how small or large.   It’s even more rewarding when, through creativity and persistence, you’re able to grow a community around that idea. For me, this is the essence of being a creator.

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The collage above is not an original idea by any means. If you’re on social media, during this quarantine time, more than likely you’ve seen a few of these collages, telling people to “STAY HOME.” I wanted to also create one too, so I reached out to a few friends, and we made it happen! It was a process, to say the least. The point is, we got it done, and I feel good about it lol.

Creating content is a part of being a blogger, and I really enjoy creating content to engage with my community. The photo above was shared on my IG platform. New content keeps my social media exciting, and inviting. If you’re looking to start a blog, get ready to do corny stuff like this… at least every once in a while. HA.

I’ve received a few questions regarding starting a blog, so I thought, that I’d take a break from my quarantine series, and share some advice.  I’m calling this Part 1, because these tips only scratch the surface, and I’m too busy with my quarantine zoom parties to write at length. *shrugs*

I’m not a blog expert, but in the 2 years of doing this, I have learned a great deal that I think would be helpful to the beginner content creator.  Even if you’re not looking to create content for a blog, I think that these tips can be helpful in pursuing any creative endeavor.  I’ve also been working as a part time / freelance musician a little over 12 years, and I would say I’ve applied some of these tips to that part of my life as well.

1) Work on self-assurance, and building self confidence

Self-doubt can kill your endeavor before you even begin.  You have to trust yourself, and affirm that you are more than capable of doing whatever it is you’re setting out to do.

I was nervous to start a blog.  My blog is a collection of my thoughts, my experiences, my stories, my family, my photos, etc. I had so many questions floating around in my head. 2 in particular that had to do with my ability were:

·        Will people read it?

·        Is my writing up to par?

I find it particularly difficult to say nice things about myself.  I come from a background, where humility is glorified, and anything aside from “self-deprecation” is considered some form of conceitedness.  You need to start talking about yourself and your work in a positive and uplifting way.

I had to answer those questions and affirm myself.  Yes, people will read it, because I have a good writing voice, and an interesting perspective.  I have a story worth telling.  My writing is decent.  Graduating high school, my English teachers wanted me to go into journalism.  In college, my professors always celebrated my papers, because I’m analytical, thoughtful, and good with expression. Boom!

Learn to be confident in your abilities, and in your talent. If you want others to trust your work, you have to trust yourself first.  

If you want others to trust your work, you have to trust yourself first.  

2) Do Your Research. Be a student.

Wouldn’t it be absolutely wonderful if you decided you wanted to try something out, and then the next day you woke up with all of the answers to how to be successful in the endeavor?


Yeah, well you can’t hop up out the bed, and turn your knowledge on.  You have to put the time in.

·        Read articles and ebooks

·        Listen to podcasts

·        Interact in your creative communities

·        Follow others who are doing what you want to do

·        Ask questions

·        Be ready to explore the unfamiliar

·        Talk to (pay) a consultant lol

·        Gain an understanding of the platforms you’re using, and how users use them

·        Realize that mistakes are also learning experiences

Never stop learning. I listen to blogging podcasts, and I also follow the blogs of people whom I admire.  I’ve had a consult with a blogger.  I talk with other creatives, and I force myself to try new things based on the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years.  I adapt to the times. I pay attention to what’s trending. When you’re a newbie blogger, there will be trial and error.   Be open to really understanding what works for you, and what doesn’t.  Be open to receiving feedback. To become experienced, you have to do your best to live the experience and also draw knowledge from that.   


3)  Always Be Yourself

The blog world is oversaturated. There are hundreds of thousands of blogs.  Even if you niche down, there are still thousands: mom blogs, fashion blogs, photo blogs, travel blogs, lifestyle blogs.  This is the reality of the creative space. The same goes for my work as a musician.  There’s plenty of people who can play piano, and read music at similar skill levels.  So, the main thing that is going to set YOU apart from anyone else, is being unabashedly YOU.

YOU have a perspective unique to you. YOU have a special way of writing and connecting with others.  YOU have your own personality, different from anyone else. YOU are imperfect in ways that are relatable to others.  YOU have your own look and style. YOU have wonderful smile that attests to that one of a kind life you live. YOU are beautiful. YOU are different.  YOU are all that you need to be. 

Be inspired by others, but be you, and be proud of who you are. Let your true self be reflected in your creative pursuits.

4)  Start engaging, now

If you want people to interact with your content, be a real person. Engage. Build community.  Be reciprocal in the love that is shown towards you. Get to know others.

In the 2 years I’ve been blogging, I’ve made some real online connections.  I’ve made online friendships with other mothers, people from my hometown, and women looking to advance their education.  While growing my following is a goal of mine, connecting with the community I’m building has become even more important overtime.  Community > followers. Once you have a follower, what are you going to do to stay in touch?  Engage.

How do you engage?  Be online even when you’re not posting a blog post.  IG stories, comment on other people’s photos, and like them.  Everything is not solely about you and your content. The community is for everyone.  Be kind.  Be appreciative.  At some point, you will realize that people look forward to your content.  Show them that you’re thankful for their support by responding to comments, responding to dms, and also liking their photos.

5) Produce Quality Content:

Don’t just write to write. Don’t just post to keep up with a schedule. There should be some balance between quality and quantity.

These are just 5 tips of the many I believe are helpful to beginning bloggers. I promise to put out a part 2 sooner than later. Hope this helps somebody.

Happy quarantining!

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